GLA has relocated its Reno area office to accommodate the growth of our Nevada operations. Robert Valceschini, PE, Vice President and Mining Market Leader, will continue to serve as the Reno area office manager. The new office is located at 4960 Vista Boulevard, Unit 100, Sparks, Nevada 89436. The phone remains (775) 284‐5500.
The Reno area office staff has particular strength in geotechnical, geological, and civil engineering in support of mining operations and waste containment facilities locally and worldwide from initial feasibility studies, permitting, and design through closure. Learn more about our areas of expertise in:
- Geotechnical, geological, and civil engineering
- Pit slope stability
- Heap leach pad and process pond design
- Tailings dam design and review
- Failure modes and effects analysis
- Enhanced metal recovery
- Environmental services/risk assessments
- Facility closure, reclamation, and remediation
- Pre-feasibility and feasibility level design and evaluation
- Hydrology, hydrogeology, and water supply management
- Planning and permitting
Click here to see all 27 GLA office locations.